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Frequently asked questions


Here you can find most common questions and problems.

LIMIT of OFFSET isn't working

The main problem is PostgreSQL expects LIMIT and OFFSET to be BIGINT type but when you pass python int into parameters it converts to INTEGER.

Problem and Solution:

from psqlpy import ConnectionPool
from psqlpy.extra_types import BigInt

# --- Incorrect ---
async def main() -> None:
    pool = ConnectionPool()
    await pool.execute(
        querystring="SELECT * FROM users LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2",
        parameters=[10, 100],

# --- Correct ---
async def main() -> None:
    pool = ConnectionPool()
    await pool.execute(
        querystring="SELECT * FROM users LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2",
        parameters=[BigInt(10), BigInt(100)],

WHERE IN clause isn't working

Instead of using WHERE <field> IN () clause you must use WHERE <field> = ANY().

Problem and Solution:

from psqlpy import ConnectionPool

# --- Incorrect ---
async def main() -> None:
    pool = ConnectionPool()
    await pool.execute(
        querystring="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN ($1)",
            (1, 2, 3),

# --- Correct ---
async def main() -> None:
    pool = ConnectionPool()
    await pool.execute(
        querystring="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ANY($1)",
            (1, 2, 3),

Wrong binary data

Example error: binary data has array element type 1043 (character varying) instead of expected 25 (text).

This exception tells you that you use wrong data type and you need to specify types explicitly.

For example, when we want to make WHERE clause with ANY and string values, we need to use TextArray, see example below:

Problem and Solution:

from psqlpy import ConnectionPool
from psqlpy.extra_types import TextArray

# --- Incorrect ---
async def main() -> None:
    pool = ConnectionPool()
    await pool.execute(
        querystring="SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ANY($1)",
            ["Foo", "Bar", "Cafe"],

# --- Correct ---
async def main() -> None:
    pool = ConnectionPool()
    await pool.execute(
        querystring="SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ANY($1)",
            TextArray(["Foo", "Bar", "Cafe"]),

Cannot insert empty ARRAY

To insert empty array use explicit Array Type.

Problem and Solution:

Let's assume that we have table arr_table with field some_array of VARCHAR ARRAY type. The main problem that we cannot determine the type of the empty sequence passed from Python side.

from psqlpy import ConnectionPool
from psqlpy.extra_types import VarCharArray

# --- Incorrect ---
async def main() -> None:
    pool = ConnectionPool()
    await pool.execute(
        querystring="INSERT INTO arr_table (some_array) VALUES ($1)",

# --- Correct ---
async def main() -> None:
    pool = ConnectionPool()
    await pool.execute(
        querystring="INSERT INTO arr_table (some_array) VALUES ($1)",