Supported Types
Simple Type
Here you can find all types supported by PSQLPy
. If PSQLPy isn't -
, you can go to the Extra Types
for more information.
Python type | PSQLPy extra type | PostgreSQL Type |
None | - | NULL |
bool | - | BOOL |
bytes | - | BYTEA |
str | - | VARCHAR |
str | VarChar | VARCHAR |
str | Text | TEXT |
str | - | XML |
int | SmallInt | SMALLINT |
int | - | INTEGER |
float | - | FLOAT8 |
float | Float32 | FLOAT4 |
float | Float64 | FLOAT8 | | - | DATE |
datetime.time | - | TIME |
datetime.datetime | - | TIMESTAMP |
datetime.datetime | - | TIMESTAMPTZ |
datetime.timedelta | - | INTERVAL |
UUID | - | UUID |
dict | - | JSONB |
dict | JSONB | JSONB |
dict | JSON | JSON |
Mac Address 6 | MacAddr6 | MacAddr |
Mac Address 8 | MacAddr8 | MacAddr |
IPv4Address | - | INET |
IPv6Address | - | INET |
decimal.Decimal | - | NUMERIC |
int/str | Money | MONEY |
Point | Point | POINT |
Box | Box | BOX |
Path | Path | PATH |
Line | Line | LINE |
Line Segment | LineSegment | LSEG |
Circle | Circle | CIRCLE |
PgVector | PgVector | Vector |
- DECIMAL PostgreSQL type isn't supported, use NUMERIC instead.
type in PostgreSQL can be used only after installation - pgvector.
Array Type
You can make arrays with any type of Simple Type
s. For better performance and type safety we recommend to use predefined Array Types.
CREATE TABLE test (arr_of_json JSONB ARRAY)
Composite Type
supports composite types.
You can create your own types in PostgreSQL, we will return you dict
CREATE TYPE custom_type AS (name VARCHAR, metadata JSONB);
CREATE TABLE custom_table (user_info custom_type);
Let's insert some data.
INSERT INTO custom_table VALUES (ROW('Alex', '{"age": 50}'));
Now we can see what result will be returned.
from typing import Final
from psqlpy import ConnectionPool, QueryResult
from psqlpy.extra_types import SmallInt, Integer, BigInt
async def main() -> None:
# It uses default connection parameters
db_pool: Final = ConnectionPool()
result = await db_pool.execute(
"SELECT user_info FROM custom_table",
It will return:
"user_info": {
"name": "Alex",
"metadata": {
"age": 50,
Enum Type
You can use ENUM type in PostgreSQL
and Python
Let's assume we create Enum
and table with it.
CREATE TYPE weather AS ENUM ('sun', 'not sun')
CREATE table weather_plus (is_weather_good weather)
Let's see how we can INSERT and SELECT such data.
from enum import Enum
from typing import Final
from psqlpy import ConnectionPool, QueryResult
class Weather(str, Enum):
SUN = "sun"
NOT_SUN = "not sun"
async def main() -> None:
# It uses default connection parameters
db_pool: Final = ConnectionPool()
# Insert new data
await db_pool.execute(
querystring="INSERT INTO weather_plus VALUES($1)",
# Or you can pass string directly
await db_pool.execute(
querystring="INSERT INTO weather_plus VALUES($1)",
result = await db_pool.execute(
querystring="SELECT * FROM weather_plus",
You will receive:
"is_weather_good": "sun",